Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Essay about Life and Death in The Middle Ages - 1456 Words

Food and water is essential for preserving life. It is not only important for sustaining life, but food also plays an important role in society functions. From Christmas, Easter, and thanksgiving food is an important part of celebrations. Food and celebration has always brought generations of people together to enjoy each other’s company. In our modern society, in particular the United States, we have an abundance of food at our disposal. However, in society today as well as in previous centuries there is a huge gap between wealth and poverty. Sadly, some people in the developed and developing nations live in poverty. This state of poverty not only leaves inadequate nutrition, but also unclean, contaminated water and living conditions.†¦show more content†¦Beans, peas, lentils, or fish provided protein and substituted for meat. However, on very rare occasion’s meats such as pork or beef were consumed. Seasonal imbalance put a strain on food availability and poor harvests often caused long periods of poor nutrition (Singman 55). On the other hand, those of higher status ate more luxuriously. They were not limited by the cost of products. The aristocrats consumed fresh meat all year round. Meat made up a large portion of their diet. Seafood such as fish and shellfish were also consumed. The bread was made of refined flour. In addition, their food was highly seasoned from spices imported from near East and Asia (Singman 55). Although the wealthy diet had more delicacies, it was poorer in nutrition (Singman 55). Contrary to popular belief utensils were used in consuming food. However in the Middle Ages, forks did not exist, but everyone used their own knife, spoon, and their finger bowl, along with wooden bowls and a drinking vessel. One of the main places for feasts and consumption of food was the Great Hall. The halls were often crowded and quite smelly when all the people gathered together for prolonged periods of time. It provided a resting place as well as a meeting place for celebrations of all kinds. In the Middle Ages sanitation was not at its peak. Imbalance in the diet, poor sanitation, infrequent bathing, and the general hardship of life had health consequences. The lack ofShow MoreRelatedBubonic Plague766 Words   |  4 Pagesinitial symptoms and symptoms before death of the black plague. â€Å"The Bubonic Plague† E medicine. 24 December 2004. http://www.emedicine.com/emerg/topic428.htm , Velendzas, Demetres 1. Many initial symptoms were swollen lymph nodes, delirium, high fever, sore throat, cough, constipation, and shortness of breath. â€Å"The Bubonic Plague† E medicine. 24 December 2004. http://www.emedicine.com/emerg/topic428.htm , Velendzas, Demetres 2. 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